A Heated Debate

Hey gang,

don't know if you've heard, but there is a rising debate over a new book by Rob Bell. For those of you who don't know who Rob Bell is, he is a pastor and creator of some very dynamic teaching videos. From the inception of these videos Bell has seemingly taken heat for his progressive and unorthodox presentation of scripture. The following two links will inform you of what is going on. Basically the debate regards Bell's "universalistic" theology, poising himself with the teaching that hell is fairly (if not entirely) empty.
I am sharing this video and article with you so that you may 1) be informed, and 2) recognize the importance of knowing scripture so that influential and popular teachers may not falsely lead you in heresy and false representations of God.


Article of response:

Unknown said...
March 30, 2011 at 5:22 PM  

very glad you touched up on this... there's even a group of "christians" promoting people to not condemn and cause division on this matter for the sake of "love"... let there be no mistake that when there's false teaching involved, it is our responsibility to inform one another so we and our loved ones are not led astray.

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